Friday, June 17, 2011

At-Home Dry Skin Remedies

Has summer got your face dried out and feeling like this? 

Well have I got some great news for you!  If you can't afford/don't have time/just flat out don't want to get on a proper skin care regimen right now, here are some great at-home recipes for nurturing that dry skin. 
  • Firstly, you must exfoliate to assist the epidermis in shedding those dead skin cells.  Mix in some sugar (regular white sugar, not the raw kind with bigger granules- this will do more harm than good!) to your facewash when washing.  Gently massage your entire face, forehead and neck for one minute and rinse.
  • Mix some plain yogurt with one tablespoon of honey in a bowl.  Apply to your face and leave on for 5 minutes and rinse!
 Yogurt adds enzymes to the skin and assists in activating your natural oils to help get your skin back to a normal state.  Honey has been a long-time skin care savior due to the ability to attract water (keeping more of it in your skin to moisturize) and the acids that wash away the dead cells and help bring back your healthy glow.

Enjoy your mask.. and if you have leftovers, it's a great treat as well :)

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